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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

Did you know that animal welfare organizations across the United States receive only 2% of the money given to nonprofits?

We receive no funding from any state, city, or federal government organizations or from any national animal welfare organizations. Instead, these wonderful animals depend entirely on the generous donations of animal-lovers like you! We believe every animal deserves a chance to live a happy healthy life and you can make that happen for them right now.

Your financial support provides medicine, veterinary care, vaccines, food, and resources to help us save a record number of pets who have nowhere else to turn. Together, you can help us lead the way in creating a compassionate, safe community for pets and their owners in our community.

15295 K4 Highway, Valley Falls, Kansas 66088


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© 2022 Jefferson County Humane Society  |  Sitemap

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